The Fetishist’s Paradox EXPLAINED

Today I would like to explain an idea I came up with, the Fetishist's Paradox. Now I can't claim total credit for this idea of mine, I was very much inspired by this tweet from the lovely @TheOnlyTheodora: So what is the fetishist's paradox exactly? The fetishist's paradox is the idea that there will be … Continue reading The Fetishist’s Paradox EXPLAINED


If you’ve been a fan of mine for some time, you’ve seen this symbol because I’ve adopted it for my logo.   It’s called a tomoe (pronounced do-moe) or Hidari-mitsudomoe for those semantics freaks among you. It’s a Taoist symbol of the Japanese god of war, Hachiman. It represents the balance of three elements: man, earth, … Continue reading My logo EXPLAINED